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Newsroom & Press Releases

The new upper class: The new generation UNIROB


The future of the packaging industry is here- discover the new generation UNIROB packaging machines at Interpack 2023. We kindly invite you to visit us at our booth 16D72-1 in hall 16 and convince yourself of the advantages of our new UNIROB cells.

The new upper class: The new generation UNIROB

From the inventor of the packaging cell:

The presentation of the new generation of our UNIROB packaging machines at Interpack 2023 attracted a great deal of interest and was a resounding success. We would like to thank all visitors for this. Let yourself be inspired by a virtual tour of our site. We would be happy to speak to you personally - we look forward to seeing you!

For Picking and Packing: UNIROB

The modular UNIROB system consists of standardized components or modules that are configured individually according to the customer's requirements to form a holistic packaging solution. Repeatedly proven standard modules are used for all packaging processes such as erecting carton blanks, mixing in products, for grouping and top-loading the products as well as for closing the cartons, labeling and palletizing. By using state-of-the-art materials and manufacturing processes, we have been able to reduce the weight of our cells without compromising on mechanical strength. The new slimmer design offers numerous advantages, including a significant reduction in insertion height.

Flexibility through modularity

Through an even higher degree of standardization and a more efficient design, we achieve a reduced development time for our packaging systems. It also makes it easier for you to retrofit the machine by quickly implementing new formats. This way you can meet increasing or changing demands on your product. We achieve the highest flexibility with our variable picker-robot suspension. With this we manage to install our R.WEISS delta robots in the UNIROB cell in such a space-saving way so that we do not waste any valuable space in your production. By using B&R- MAPP MOTION, we not only create significantly higher performance for our delta robots, but also benefit from faster and easier development, as well as commissioning and maintenance. In addition, we rely on recuperation for our R.WEISS robots. Simply put: The energy from braking is used to power the robot's next movement. This contributes not only to increasing efficiency, but also to reducing energy consumption and thus to sustainability. The modular design of the UNIROB packaging line is extremely practical and user-friendly. The machine's cells are designed to be easily accessible and intuitive, making it easy for the user to make adjustments and perform maintenance.

Industry 4.0- not just a catchword

By continuously evaluating process and machine data, we contribute sustainably to Industry 4.0 through forward-looking maintenance and thus create the possibility to predict maintenance work and the wear and tear of parts. This offers the possibility of scheduling service interventions on time, in order to reduce downtimes to a minimum. In addition, you create maximum transparency when integrating your new packaging system into your production. Our improved monitoring allows you to monitor at any time how high the current line availability is and how many products are actually packed to the second. Here, the operator can also view and evaluate the exact machine data on the HMI. Another major advantage before the actual machine acceptance is our UNIROB Primestart. This virtual commissioning helps to detect sources of error at an early stage and to eliminate them even before the actual commissioning. The virtual double of the machine offers the possibility to test the behavior of the machine under real conditions on the basis of a 3D simulation.

Everything in view- UNIROB info module with integrated status light bar

With the new generation, a new status light bar and info panel have been introduced to facilitate monitoring of machine operation and troubleshooting. The continuous light bar across the entire picker line continuously displays the status of each cell through color visualization, giving operators an overview of current production conditions at all times. The integrated LED status light enables machine condition changes to be quickly detected and any resulting measures to be carried out promptly and in a targeted manner. The Infopanel additionally offers the possibility to display error messages, information and instructions for action precisely on the UNIROB cell. The status light bar and the Infopanel offer a variety of applications, including the visualization of operating states, the display of machine downtimes and warnings, the display of process data and information as well as cycle and cycle times. As well as the visualization of process steps, the display of current product formats and the option to display customer-specific messages. With these new functions, companies can monitor their production processes more easily and operators can easily retrieve the necessary information to perform required activities quickly and minimize downtime.

AGV takes over transport tasks

BLEICHERT Automation will presented the automated, driverless counterbalanced stacker at INTERPACK 2023. Together with the UNIROB packaging systems, the product flow is thus mapped all the way to the warehouse. The transport of standardized load carriers up to max. 1.5 to. Payload (pallets, wire mesh boxes, etc.) is automated. The transport vehicle, which is only 1.5 m short and has a speed of 1.8 m/s, also impresses with numerous special functions and AddOns that the customer can add depending on the application. The weight of the counterbalanced truck is 2.9 to. and the lifting height is 2.5 m (in the standard version).